Each Citta Starts with Distorted Saññā

…(#3, #4) Download/Print: “B2. Each Citta Starts with Distorted Saññā.” A Citta Does Not Start as a Pabhassara Citta 1. In the two previous posts of the new series on…

Vipariṇāma – Two Meanings

…Questions/Comments 14. Please comment and ask questions about any post listed under the “Buddha Dhamma – Advanced” section in the forum thread “Posts in the ‘Buddha Dhamma – Advanced’ Section,”…

Contamination of a Human Mind – Detailed Analysis

Contamination of the human mind can happen within a split second. Buddha’s description is discussed in detail. August 26, 2023; revised November 11, 2023 (#1) Download/Print: “B3. Contamination of Mind…

Mūlapariyāya Sutta – The Root of All Things

…arises based on saññā vipallāsa. 19. When that comprehension is complete, one has attained the Arahanthood, as explained starting at marker 75.1. An Arahant has fully comprehended (abhijānāti) how anything…

Phassa paccayā Vēdanā….to Tanhā

…mental contact. It is just seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, or just an arbitrary thought that comes to the mind without one’s own likes/dislikes. Phassa is a universal cetasika and…

Saḷāyatana Are Not Sense Faculties

…and Nettippakarana) or the “Vibhaṅga” in the Abhidhamma Pitaka. Other Commentaries written later (and not included in the Tipiṭaka) have apparent contradictions with the Tipiṭaka; see “Tipiṭaka Commentaries – Helpful…