Reply To: Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti – Delson Armstrong


I forgot to explain how I concluded Bhante did not understand Paticca Samuppada (Dependent Origination.)

  • He discussed it starting at 35 minutes in the video Lang posted: “What is a Jhana? Commentaries vs Suttas – Meaning?
  • It is a very superficial explanation. In particular, at 37 minutes, he describes “bhava.” I don’t think he understands it. 
  • He says bhikkhu Bodhi translates “bhava” as “experience,” and bhikkhu Silananda translates it as “habitual tendencies.” None of them seem to understand it, even though bhikkhu Silananda’s translation is better.
  • Bhava” is the “kammic energy” or “kammic potential” that can bring rebirths or “various mental states during a life.” That energy is generated via “avijjā paccayā saṅkhāra; saṅkhāra paccayā viññāna; viññāna paccayā nāmarūpa” steps once getting to the “taṇhā paccayā upādāna” step he just went through. See “Taṇhā Paccayā Upādāna – Critical Step in Paṭicca Samuppāda” and “Upādāna Paccayā Bhava – Two Types of Bhava.”
  • If there is another video where he explains Paticca Samuppada (and “bhava“) better, I would like to watch it.
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