Reply To: Sankhara


Yash wrote, “I dont know how some humans can be full of such a mindset to cause such a harm to another human”

There used to be a time where whenever I hear about a tragic incident, I would be mentally agitated with anger and sadness. I still remember being utterly traumatized at the age of 8 when a woman poisoned herself to death in front of me. These days when I hear such news like rape case in India, mass shooting in USA, etc., I just say “Well, that’s sad. Let’s move on.” Is there a better way of reacting?

y not wrote, “Another person is another mind; another mind is another world.”

Each mind is deluded with Greed and Hatred. But some are conditioned so badly that they can’t help but act out of those defilements with no consideration of others. If my desires are unbearable and I can’t see any (kammic) consequence, why should I be afraid?

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