Reply To: Post on “Kāma Tanhā, Bhava Tanhā, Vibhava Tanhā”


Let me put your questions in a different order.

“What is bhavadiṭṭhi?”

  • I don’t think there is such a term in the Tipitaka.

” Isn’t a Sotāpanna attained by eliminating all diṭṭhis?”

  • No. One becomes a Sotapanna by removing the ten types of miccha ditthi and sakkaya ditthi. They may have other minor ditthis.

“If a Sotāpanna eliminates ucchedadiṭṭhi, and thus vibhavataṇhā is removed at the Sotāpanna stage, why isn’t bhavataṇhā eliminated as well?”

  • Why do you think the removal of uccheda ditthi leads to the removal of bhava tanha
  • Uccheda ditthi means not believing in the rebirth process. Would not one with uccheda ditthi have kama raga (and thus bhava tanha)?


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