Yash: “Firstly, Everything in this universe is a manifestation of energy, the cars, the trees, the food, etc. all have atoms as the fundamental structure according to science. If we go deep,we get up to the quark level. In Buddha Dhamma it’s the Suddhataka.“
Yes! With this we can understand that everything is a product of cause and effect at that moment.Eg every second a fire burns is a product of some oxygen, an ignition and fuel. Meaning every second is a new manifestation! Because the causes are used up every second – eg i have to replenish the fuel every second. That can be said for everything in this world, even for inanimate objects. Eg every second a gold bar exist, it is because of the causes that the gold bar is at that temperature, the electromagnetic energies present within the gold bar. This also applies to people as well. This is how we can be “unshakeable” with the passing on of parents, because instead of seeing them as fixed entities, we have to see them as a product of cause and effect at every single moment. Their passing is simply due to the changes in conditions. From this we can see the anicca nature, that whatever fixed entities we think we like are actually just products of causes at that moment and they continue to be subjected to cause and effect.
Yash: “The bottom line is, you don’t even need to include time for Anicca. Even if someone earns a lot by selling drugs and is Enjoying sensuality, Anicca is there even at that moment.”
Yes! I thought that looking that things are of Anicca nature at that moment, without caring if it will last or not, can give you new insights. For example, even if something can last forever, and hypothetically if i can live forever to enjoy it and there is no rebirth, and hypothetically there are no kammic consequences for desiring it, one should still not desire it (anicca as undesirable). This is because of the understanding that the craving is mind made, the object actually does not bring happiness at all.
I have been thinking about how Bahiya gained enlightenment after one verse:
“Ditte Ditta Mattañ Bhavissathi ,
Suthe Sutha Mattañ Bhavissathi,
Mute Muta Mattañ Bhavissathi,
Viññāte Viññāta mattañ Bhavissathi”
“Where there is seeing, there is only the seeing
Where there is hearing, there is only the hearing,
Where there is feeling, there is only the feeling,
Where there is cognizing, there is only the cognizing.”
Here, there is no mention of rebirth, suffering, 4 noble truths, paticca samuppada, kamma, tilakkhana, and no mention that things are subject to changes. Which made me think that all these are not required at the bare minimum, one just has to understand that there is nothing more to the sense we perceive, and not create any more “mind made thoughts”. Of course, understanding of all the other things in the Buddha’s world view can help achieve this, but at the core essence it may not be required. Again I could be wrong, Bahiya could have gained this understanding somehow even before meeting the Buddha, perhaps in his past lives, but he does not have to remember it/ think about it to be enlightened.