Gandhabba State – Evidence from Tipiṭaka

…any such category in the world. There are many posts on the website on the human gandhabba: “Mental Body – Gandhabba,” “The Grand Unified Theory of Dhamma,” and “Gandhabba (Manomaya…

Our Mental Body – Gandhabba

(gandhabba). A human gandhabba born at the cuti-patisandhi moment can live for hundreds to thousands of years. Within a given “human bhava,” there can be many repeated births as a…

Antarābhava and Gandhabba

…the “mental body” or the manōmaya kāya of the gandhabba. There is a whole section on the gandhabba at this site; see “Gandhabba (Manomaya Kaya).” As explained in the post,…

Manomaya Kaya (Gandhabba) and the Physical Body

…more like a “misty ghost”). The fine body of the gandhabba “overlaps” the physical body (solid or coarse versus that fine gandhabba body.) The gandhabba makes the physical body “alive.”…

Gandhabba – Only in Human and Animal Realms

…concept of gandhabba are in this series. More are scattered throughout the site, especially in the “Gandhabba (Manomaya Kaya)” section. These posts discuss how a living-being goes through rebirths without…

Gandhabba in a Human Body – an Analogy

…by the gandhabba to control those body parts. Thus, the gandhabba controls body movements with the aid of the brain. In the case of extensive brain damage, the gandhabba cannot…

Does Gandhabba Mean “Semen”?

…human gandhabba (manomaya kāya) which could be many thousands of years. That gandhabba may be born with many such physical bodies within its lifetime. Between “two consecutive human bodies,” that…