Reply To: Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!

…meeting is: (12:30-1:30 PM GMT)   The link to the second meeting is: (1:35- 2:35 PM GMT) All of you are invited to join this Dhamma discussion! Thanks….

Pure Dhamma ā€“ Korean Website

…a year. The link to that site is Then they started a Pure Dhamma Korean Temporary Site ( ) on April 24, 2019. Now they have launched an…

A confusion related to attaining the fourth path in a pure abode:

…Once again, sir, thank you! I have been reading “A Discourse on Paticcasamuppada” by Venerable. Mahasi Sayadaw In this chapter it says that Venerable Ugga obtained Arhatship in the…

the effects of practices and contemplations.

…happened? Due to this practice many bhikkhu’s committed suicide. I think this is an example of a serieus issue. The issue of the effect of certain practices on us….

Reply To: Mudita Bhavana

…but ALL cittas in kama loka arise already contaminated. We also discussed in those posts (including the latest, “Contamination of a Human Mind – Detailed Analysis “) in that series…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!

…by Friday at the latest). That post will get into more detail about the “distorted sanna,” purāna and nava kamma and their relationships to Avyākata Paį¹­icca Samuppāda and Akusala-Mula Paį¹­icca…

Bhūta and Yathābhūta

Hi Lal, I have just finished reading your latest post. “The situation is even worse for a photon, a particle of light. When a photon is released, one can only…

Reply To: Testing Forum Submissions

…it. But I can manually update the main forum page to show the latest comments. I will try to do the update at least a couple of times a day….