Reply To: Sakkaya vs Sakkaya ditthi

…*** Just wondering, have I understood properly what is being taught in the video below in regards to the difference between Sakkaya and Sakkaya ditthi? *** From what I…

Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

Waharaka Thero – Universal Truth Exposure | Episode 07 – Know the Thilakuna Have I understood this correctly? At 39:57 of the video. The subtitle says the “Dukkhaskandha (the…

Reply To: The Infinity problem – BIG doubt

Ven. Lal Sir, I get the idea of what you are trying to explain. It is also very well demonstrated in this video : Please see – You said…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma ā€“ Hindi Website

…benefit of ourselves as well as many others. The website is: Lal: If you think that it is not appropriate to post about this here, I am happy to…

Reply To: Sutta Desana

…Buddha Dhamma desanas” in English language. However there are some desanas available on the internet. You might want to listen to this : MAY ALL BEINGS ACHIEVE NIBBANA !!!…

Reply To: Determinism

…only what will become of him, but also when! If there is “free will”, then how can the Buddha be certain that he won’t follow his “free will” and do…

Reply To: Determinism

…this action? If not, then where is the room for free will? Here I interpret that we have the impression of free will, eg we can willingly lift up our…