SN 35.95 Malunkyaputta Sutta: To Malunkyaputta One of Bahiya Sutta type with quick way to attaining Nibbana ( Now we need to fix errors of English translation to be really effective. I’m trying to make…

AN 10.81 and MN72, about the nature of the Buddha I belief both sutta’s describe the nature of the Tathagata and therefor the Budddha. In MN72 it is said: …” Freed from the classification of form (and the…

Reply To: Resources for learning Pali

…from the Chaṭṭha Saṅgāyana CD under the Collection menu which includes the Tipitaka (Main – Sutta, Vinaya, and Abhidhamma), Aṭṭhakathā (Commentaries), Ṭikā (Subcommentaries), and Añña (Others). PaliPlatform download link:…

The Framework of Buddha Dhamma

…the greatest scientist that comes to the world very infrequently. Simultaneously with the comprehension of vijjā, one is removed from “this material world” or “āloka” (“ā” + “lōka“). The word…

Mūlapariyāya Sutta – The Root of All Things

…arises based on saññā vipallāsa. 19. When that comprehension is complete, one has attained the Arahanthood, as explained starting at marker 75.1. An Arahant has fully comprehended (abhijānāti) how anything…

Reply To: Determinism

…immutable as if everything were pre-established. But it is not completely random either. We are fortunately free from certain choices such as that of applying ourselves to doing what is…

Four Noble Truths – Suffering and Its Elimination

…easily accessible to our six senses. To comprehend suffering through repeated rebirths, one needs to comprehend that most suffering is encountered in the four lowest realms (apāyās); see “The Grand…