How Habits are Formed and Broken – A Scientific View

Understanding how gati (habits/character) can be changed is the key to cultivating Ānāpānasati/Satipaį¹­į¹­hāna meditations. Revised November 26, 2018; re-written October 21, 2022 Breaking Habits With Ānāpānasati – Simple Explanation 1….

Difference between Phassa and Samphassa

“Samphassa” must be used for “phassa” in “phassa paccayā vēdanā” in Akusala-Mula Paį¹­icca Samuppāda. Revised November 6, 2018; June 2, 2019; re-written May 7, 2021 Download/Print: “12. Phassa and Samphassa“…

Key Steps of Kammic Energy Accumulation

example to illustrate this critical point. Example of “Salāyatana Paccayā Phasso” Leading Automatically to “Upādāna Paccayā Bhavo” Step 4. Husband and wife are walking down the street, and the wife…

Reply To: Consciousness (Mind v Brain) Citta Vithi

… ] [See also interesting note by Thanissaro Bhikkhu: (“Note Cv.V.33.1”) [pati:] [icca:] [sama:] [uppada (ą¤‰ą¤Ŗą„ą¤Ŗą¤¾ą¤¦):] With regard to “the outline:” You had made the…