Photons Are Particles Not Waves

…he received the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921 — and those quanta were given the name photon; they are the original “quanta” of quantum mechanics. Compton (Compton 1923) confirmed…

Analogy of Smoker Island

complicated, but it is good to study it to have faith in the rebirth mechanism and be completely clear that attachment is the cause of suffering, even in future lives….

Evidence for Rebirth

tested. Ongoing studies may significantly impact scientific thinking about consciousness in the coming years. Here is a popular YouTube video on the presentation of a physician on Near-Death Experiences: There…

11. Magga Phala via Cultivation of Satta Bojjhaṅga

…on your computer): Download (short version): “etaṃ santaṃ etaṃ paṇītaṃ – short version.“ Download (long version): “etaṃ santaṃ etaṃ paṇītaṃ – long version.“ One could say in English, “It…

Pāli Words – Writing and Pronunciation

example, I translate a given sutta in detail. See “Sutta Interpretations.” Writing/Pronunciation of Common Pāli Words 12. The following short table provides the correct writing/pronunciation of some common Pāli words…