Recovering the Suffering-Free Pure Mind

Recovering the suffering-free pure mind requires comprehension of Buddha’s broader worldview and his analysis of mental phenomena. August 9, 2023 True Happiness Is the Absence of Suffering (with chart B)…

Dasa Samyōjana – Bonds in Rebirth Process

Dasa samyōjana are the ten “chains” or “bonds” that bind one to the rebirth process (with saį¹ƒsāric bonds.) August 6, 2017; revised February 14, 2018; August 7, 2022; rewritten July…

How Character (Gati) Leads to Bhava and Jāti

…Sotāpanna stage of Nibbāna. And we can do this by comprehending anicca, dukkha, and anatta, the true nature of this world. When one truly comprehends anicca, dukkha, and anatta, one’s…

Reply To: Testing Forum Submissions

…the main forum page. But I can manually update the main forum page to show the latest comments. – If anyone posts a comment and it does not show up…

Reply To: Meaning of Sanatana

…reading the latest post: Uncovering the Suffering-Free (Pabhassara) Mind Under number 12, we have the phrase “sÄ«ti bhavissanti“, meaning “will be fully cooled down“. Does bhavissanti break down to “bhava”…

Reply To: Bhava: Seed of Consciousness

…need to start from the first principles. P.S. I just saw your latest comment where you wrote: “Dipohasadhamma mentioned “I am (at present) at a loss for WHAT this seed…

Reply To: Clarification about the 31 realms

…at present. Another heap of bones excavated somewhere and that will change to two millions years, or three. And so it will go on, people accepting the latest scientific view…