Reply To: Is circumambulation a mere rite or ritual?

Moreover,one should judiciously take advantage of the free available time one has. If one has to choose between Insight Meditation/ Tilakhanna bhavana and circumnanbulations…well the decision isn’t difficult to make….

Reply To: Does A Sotāpanna Have Perfect Sila?

…of Sansāra (or Samsāra)“. – The ability to see “san” (defilements of greed, hate, ignorance that come to one’s mind) increases significantly when one starts comprehending Tilakkhana, i.e., at the…

Reply To: Is circumambulation a mere rite or ritual?

…how the key Pali terms originated (“pada nirukti”). Kusala comes from “ku” + ”sala”, where “ku” refers to “kunu” or keles or defilements, and “sala” means “to get rid of”….

Reply To: With or Without Origin

…way beyond philosophy, whose goal is to explain Existence, while the Buddha’s Message is how to free oneself from all the suffering there. may you attain that Peace, y not…

Reply To: Tilakhanna & Fear

…me is including the 10 sanyojanas in my metta bhavana, especially, sakkaya ditthi. “May myself and all being be free from the apayas forever by removing the 3 of the…

Reply To: Sabbe Sankhara

…be sensed as not really authentic behaviour. In a sense all habitual behaviour is a kind of imprisonment, fettered, not free. Can we say that this conditioned behaviour, this reactive…

Reply To: are we the five khandha's?

…the past when beings were free of, or existed independently, of the khandhas. Before coming to Buddhadhamma I gave a reasonable credence, one that at least deserved investigation,to the Mahāyāna…