Myths about the Sotāpanna Stage

Revised September 7, 2016; September 28, 2018; July 31, 2023 There are many myths and misconceptions about who a Sōtapanna is and what needs to be done to become a…


…Realms – Importance of Manomaya Kaya Subsection: Abhidhamma via Science – Introduction Neuroscience says there is no Free Will? – That is a Misinterpretation! The Double Slit Experiment – Correlation…

Abhidhamma – Introduction

…Arahants with superior mental power can accomplish the complex task of completing the Abhidhamma Piṭaka. It was compiled without an easy way of recording, let alone having access to computers….

What is in a Thought? Why Gati are so Important?

…further explained in terms of the instant reaction coming from the limbic system in the brain and the “reasoned out” corrective action coming from the neo-cortex or “the thinking brain”;…

Reply To: Ashta Vimoksha

…Nibbana, that is the final and complete freedom. So, it refers to Nibbana. 2. Vimokkha (or Nibbana) can be attained via contemplating mainly on anicca, dukkha, or anatta and thus…

Reply To: Nibbana, not of this world?

…of citta, cetasika, and rupa cease to exist. There is no mind without citta and cetasika. So, when the mind becomes free of asavas, the mind itself cease to exist.”…

Reply To: Does A Sotāpanna Have Perfect Sila?

@y not: Your questions are probably answered in the comment that I just posted in “Anantariya Kamma, Euthanasia and Assisted Suicides“. If not, feel free to ask any remaining questions….