Vipariṇāma – Two Meanings

…loka. In comparison, the seven akusala done via body and speech are prevented in arupa loka and rupa loka since Brahmās do not have physical bodies (that is compatible with…

Reply To: Clarification about the 31 realms

…have the complete picture, the ultimate ‘worldview’. So that is quite in order, as far as science goes. ‘So the 31 realms division isn’t valid anymore and wasn’t valid 2…

How Character (Gati) Leads to Bhava and Jāti

…Sotāpanna stage of Nibbāna. And we can do this by comprehending anicca, dukkha, and anatta, the true nature of this world. When one truly comprehends anicca, dukkha, and anatta, one’s…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

comprehends this basic anicca nature of attaching to such “lowly cravings”, one’s mind will AUTOMATICALLY reject such thoughts. That is when one attains the Sotapanna stage and will be free

My Personal Experience in Buddhism

…Ajahn Mudito with the title “Through the Moss”. Today already placed on the website of Ajahn, for free download. It’s never been edited and printed. Instinctively, I was looking…

Introduction – What is Suffering?

…(saṁyojana) covering that “suffering-free mind” because of our “built-in false sense of joyful sensations” (“distorted saññā”) for sensory experiences. Thus, a root cause of suffering is not comprehending that our…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!

Reminder: The meeting is at 12:30-1:30 PM GMT (7.30 AM EST New York time) on Sunday 14th. The link to the second meeting is (if needed only, i.e., if…

Pure Dhamma Discussion Forum Guidelines

comment by that specific person (i.e., one’s comment will appear below that comment or that thread). Then a reader will need to scan to find the new comment (especially if…