Reply To: Waharaka Thero English Subs Discourse

…various topics; Following Link (↓) is for video playlist series, Know the Thilukhuna – Let’s learn the reality of world precisely. Eight videos in total. Following last videos…

Reply To: First noble truth

Just would like to share something that might be of benefit to others in understanding about the 4 noble truths. from 19:40-29:02 minutes. This is the only resource/material in…

Sammā Samādhi – How to Define It?

…Arahant stage, one would have completed Sammā Samādhi and removed all anusaya/saṁyojana, thus (automatically) preventing committing even the slightest akusala kamma! One Must be in Sammā Samādhi to “Burn Samsaric…

Reply To: Split Reincarnation

…a gandhabba takes hold of a 3,5 year old child, whose old Gandhabba has left. Another case is this one, that would be a good recommendation: “” The relevant part:”The…

Namaskaraya – Homage to the Buddha

…by clicking “DOWNLOAD”. You can play it there or right-click on the screen and choose “save as..” to save to your computer. Download More audio files are at: “Sutta Chanting…