Reply To: In Praise of Lal

…“y not” commented somewhere that he has “avecca pasada” in the Buddha, Dhamma & Sangha. It shows that he has progressed in the path very well! Credits to Mr. “y…

Difference Between Tanhā and Upādāna

Taį¹‡hā happens automatically due to “bad gati.” We have control over “upādāna” because that is when we become aware of the “attachment.” October 25, 2018; revised November 4, 2019; March…

Reply To: Arahanthood Without Purpose

…as long as there exist conditions (such as anusaya) which can give rise to defilements, we can become under the sway of Mara, i.e. when anusaya are triggered. For example,…

Reply To: Eric's Progress Diary

…cut: sometimes I just wake up and I’m immediately cheerful-happy-ready-to-face-the-world and others I’m immediately in I-wanna-die mode or suppressing urge to scream and punch walls and many times I simply…

Reply To: Arahanthood Without Purpose

Many times in my life i have felt their is a certain purpose in what was/is happening. Or afterwards i saw that. For example, one pulls a certain book out…

Change of Mindset Due to an Ārammaį¹‡a

…latter case, we could get into a “confused state of mind.” A “strong ārammaį¹‡a” is usually associated with “lobha,” “dosa,” and “moha.” Let us examine the examples in #1 to…

moha and avijja

…good fruits. This is the same for dosa and lobha. We might, for example, think that greed can be good. Greed comes with welfare and welfare with comfort and less…