Gandhabba: Lying in Wait for Appropriate Womb

…“What is Realism in Quantum Mechanics and How Can it be Non-local” (Wechlser, Sofia), “Non-locality and Entanglement,” Please note: With these readings I am not looking for specific answers,…

Reply To: Eric's Progress Diary

…manic episode.. being mentally-ill makes for I guess you could call “Life On Hard-Mode” =P — and to have these playing throughout the house instead of hard rock:…

There is new study about dark matter

…longer have that property and act just like regular matter and pulling the universe together, maybe even back to the singularity. This video he goes briefly about the subject:…

Best Course on Abhidhamma (Anatomy of Mind) by Bhante Rahula & Caranapali

…youtube channel Abhidhamma – Anatomy of the Mind Abhidhamma Course Playlist or you can visit their website Thanks to all, hope all of you benefit from this course….

Importance of lotus in Buddhism

…site of the Bodhi-pallanka when the earth gradually emerges after the destruction of the world (DA.ii.411). Is that one of the reasons why the lotuses are important in buddhism?…

Reply To: Arupa jhanas and sense inputs

Btw, to enter Jhanas I simply follow my breath as described by Leigh Brasington As long as I don’t expect anything at all – it works….

Reply To: Various questions

…origin, many of which are still floating around today. You might find reading it tedious… Try listening to it instead- I found it made a significant difference in understanding.…