Theory of relativity and Citta (There are definitely better movies out there, but this was the first one I found in English.) Theory of Reativity and Citta Now I have a question about Albert…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma – Hindi Website

…benefit of ourselves as well as many others. The website is: Lal: If you think that it is not appropriate to post about this here, I am happy to…

Importance of lotus in Buddhism

…site of the Bodhi-pallanka when the earth gradually emerges after the destruction of the world (DA.ii.411). Is that one of the reasons why the lotuses are important in buddhism?…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!

…invited! As time progresses more people will join it. Details: English Dhamma discussions 01 by Ven. Lal Ariyaratna Pinnaduwage ( Sunday, 14th January, 2024 (12:30 GMT) Google meetup link:…

Reply To: First jhana?

…you can reach 4th jhana which is the most optimal state to contemplate Dhamma. (in jhanas*) Here is a genuine experience that one can check if one attained jhana…

Reply To: Experience with Anapanasati + My Esoteric Background

…of energy into the hadya-vatthu, located two digits to the right of your sternum. *Adi Da describes his meditation technique, a little different from Mr. Gardner’s, in this chapter.…

Misconceptions on the Topics the Buddha “Refused to Answer”

(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’]=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,’script’,’//’,’ga’); ga(‘create’, ‘UA-48830974-1’, ‘’); ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’); Revised January 25, 2019; March 26, 2021; re-written October 9, 2022 The “Unanswered Questions” 1. Some say that the Buddha…

Vipaka Sapa from Dhamma Loka

…A vipaka sapa(sukha) vedana that even an Arahant experiences. Here Venerable Abhaya explains it (it is in Sinhala which I cannot understand): “Thus, “seeing” event is a neutral vēdanā,…