Reply To: How to cope with loneliness

Hi Wta, I recommend you listen to the discourses from the following Youtube channel: Beginning from the first discourse right at the bottom #105 (currently). Because you have read…

Excellent Sinhala Discourses by a Young Thero

…Buddha Dhamma with such insight at such a young age, he is likely to be a Jāti Sotapanna. Those who understand the Sinhala language can follow these discourses at:…

Best Course on Abhidhamma (Anatomy of Mind) by Bhante Rahula & Caranapali

…youtube channel Abhidhamma – Anatomy of the Mind Abhidhamma Course Playlist or you can visit their website Thanks to all, hope all of you benefit from this course….

Reply To: Split Reincarnation

…advised to “enter the body” of the 3,5 year old child by a “sadu” (holy spirit/Gandhabba). Another interesting case is that of It is interesting because there is a…

Reply To: A thought on Paticca Samuppada and Nibbana

…talk, but in the 1st 25 minutes itself he talks about all these points. I have given the link below, I hope others will listen and give their input.…

There is new study about dark matter

…longer have that property and act just like regular matter and pulling the universe together, maybe even back to the singularity. This video he goes briefly about the subject:…

Gandhabba: Lying in Wait for Appropriate Womb

…“What is Realism in Quantum Mechanics and How Can it be Non-local” (Wechlser, Sofia), “Non-locality and Entanglement,” Please note: With these readings I am not looking for specific answers,…

Lord Buddha’s Relics

Theruwan Saranai Dhamma friends!!! Sharing an amazing information which is very intriguing. Hope you get to acknowledge the amazing qualities of our Lord Buddha. Here is the link: Now…