Tisarana Vandana and Its Effects on One’s Gati

…on your computer). It is normally recited three times: https://puredhamma.net/wp-content/uploads/012_Namaskaraya_111.mp3 You can use the “DOWNLOAD” button to open the file. You can play it there or right-click on the screen…

Sabba Pāpassa Akaranaṃ….

…it will open the file in a new window. Right-click on the screen and choose “Save as..” to save the file to your computer. Download Next, “Appamadö Amata Padam….“, …………

Abhidhamma – Introduction

…Arahants with superior mental power can accomplish the complex task of completing the Abhidhamma Piṭaka. It was compiled without an easy way of recording, let alone having access to computers….

Contamination of a Human Mind – Detailed Analysis

Contamination of the human mind can happen within a split second. Buddha’s description is discussed in detail. August 26, 2023; revised November 11, 2023 (#1) Download/Print: “B3. Contamination of Mind…

Pāli Glossary – (L-Z)

…a “Popup Pāli Glossary with Pronunciation“, thanks to Mr. Seng Kiat Ng. If that GoldenDict dictionary is installed on your computer, you will be able to access this glossary from…

Pāli Glossary – (A-K)

…of death dāna giving dasa ten dasaka decad; group of 10 dassana vision; but normally used for “comprehending” dassanēna pahātabba removing (kilesa) via comprehension of Dhamma dēsanā or desanā verbal…

SN 35.95 Malunkyaputta Sutta: To Malunkyaputta

https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn35/sn35.095.than.html One of Bahiya Sutta type with quick way to attaining Nibbana (https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/kn/ud/ud.1.10.than.html) Now we need to fix errors of English translation to be really effective. I’m trying to make…

AN 10.81 and MN72, about the nature of the Buddha

https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/an/an10/an10.081.than.html https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.072.than.html I belief both sutta’s describe the nature of the Tathagata and therefor the Budddha. In MN72 it is said: …” Freed from the classification of form (and the…