Reply To: Buddha’s Views on Responsibilities

Sigalovada Sutta – The Layman’s Code of Discipline Download link: (Sorry not able write in a clean way, using mobile phone for this posting.)…

Abhisaṅkhāra Lead to Kamma Viññāṇa

…ALL arise in mind. The six types indicate the “sense doors” through which they comes in. For example, a sensory input coming through the eyes is a cakkhu viññāṇa, one…

Reply To: Thai Forest Tradition

Another part When I have recommended body contemplation to others, some answered: “That is only one valid way of practice, but other ways are equally good. To say that only…

Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta – Wrong Interpretations

…transmission; see “Sutta Interpretation – Uddēsa, Niddēsa, Paṭiniddēsa.” Commentaries were written to explain critical concepts in the Tipiṭaka, and only three of those original commentaries have survived. We need to…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

Regarding posting long comments: I always use a word processor but it hasn’t seemed to help unfortunately. To continue the thread: I will copy-paste Lal’s reply from the other thread…

Website Access Problem

…hosting company. However, the domain name registration remained with the old hosting company. It seems that there was a problem with the transfer of the domain name to the new…

Reply To: Dinosaurs and shape of the earth. . .

…there for more than 50 millions years and withstood a comet strike which is not possible.” A comet strike does not physically damage everything on Earth. That is impossible. Read…