Mind Is Not in the Brain

free will that seemed to suggest that humans do not have free will. Also, see, “Neuroscience says there is no Free Will? – That is a Misinterpretation!” More information providing…

Sotapannā – Just Starting on the Noble Path

…my point. That description starts with, “Bhikkhus, this assembly is free from prattle, this assembly is free from chatter. It consists purely of heartwood..” close to the beginning of the…

Reply To: Buddha’s Views on Responsibilities

Sigalovada Sutta – The Layman’s Code of Discipline Download link: https://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/ethics_s.htm (Sorry not able write in a clean way, using mobile phone for this posting.)…

Reflections on 2015

www in the address line: It should just be: https://puredhamma.net. Normally, typing just “puredhamma.net” should direct to https://puredhamma.net. Or, one could Google search “puredhamma” and the link will come out…

Does Gandhabba Mean “Semen”?

…three things come together—the mother and father come together, the mother is in the fertile part of her menstrual cycle, and the virile spirit is potent.” Note that he has…

Reply To: Saññā

…“samadhi” without any distraction, because otherwise we cultivate this distraction with. This cultivated addition is not immediately apparent but is usually noticeable in the form of “vedana” feelings that raise…

Website Access Problem

…hosting company. However, the domain name registration remained with the old hosting company. It seems that there was a problem with the transfer of the domain name to the new…