Reply To: Maha Brahma

…a teaching of the comments which describes 4 types of people found in the world. This comment helped me understand that everyone is different when coming into contact with the…

Assāda, Ādīnava, Nissarana – Introduction

…or the next, and is “building up” that gati. Then it will become increasingly difficult to be drug/alcohol-free. There is an even worse consequence, too: that gati becomes what one…

Reply To: Sekha Sutta MN 53

…“one who has completed training,” i.e., an Arahant. The verse “Yato kho, mahānāma, ariyasāvako evaṁ sīlasampanno hoti, evaṁ indriyesu guttadvāro hoti, evaṁ bhojane mattaññū hoti, evaṁ jāgariyaṁ anuyutto hoti, evaṁ…