Reply To: Clarification about the 31 realms

…men where non existent. So the 31 realms division isn’t valid anymore and wasn’t valid 2 millions years ago. But you don’t have the answer obviously, so that’s fine, nevermind…

Pabhassara Citta and Saññā Vipallāsa

Pabhassara citta (mind) indicates the “suffering-free state” of mind. Two main reasons for blocking that state are the “wrong views” and “distorted saññā/perception” (which the Buddha compared to a mirage…

Recovering the Suffering-Free Pure Mind

Recovering the suffering-free pure mind requires comprehension of Buddha’s broader worldview and his analysis of mental phenomena. August 9, 2023 True Happiness Is the Absence of Suffering (with chart B)…


…a Senior Scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and a Research Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in…

Does Bodily Pain Arise Only Due to Kamma Vipāka?

…Bodhi (2000); click that link to download the pdf version. This is the English translation of the “Abhidhammattha Sangaha,” a commentary to the Abhidhamma Piṭaka in the Tipiṭaka, by Acariya…