Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti – Delson Armstrong

…teacher is Anagami, probably. He can stay in Nirodha Samapati for up to 6 days! Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti – Delson Armstrong, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, & Dr Raikkonen…

Reply To: GoenkaĀ“s Vipassana

…these without attending the courses (no context), but since these are in the public domain from VRI, I feel better. Discourses on Satipatthana Discourses in a 10-day course…

Sammā Samādhi – How to Define It?

…Arahant stage, one would have completed Sammā Samādhi and removed all anusaya/saį¹yojana, thus (automatically) preventing committing even the slightest akusala kamma! One Must be in Sammā Samādhi to “Burn Samsaric…

Vipaka Sapa from Dhamma Loka

…A vipaka sapa(sukha) vedana that even an Arahant experiences. Here Venerable Abhaya explains it (it is in Sinhala which I cannot understand): “Thus, “seeing” event is a neutral vēdanā,…

Reply To: Ledi Sayadaw and Translations

…teaching only after 1903, when he had 3 years (or so) of retreat and (probably) practice of Visudhimagga. According to: He must have been knowledgable of Abhidhamma, but not…

Reply To: Split Reincarnation

…a gandhabba takes hold of a 3,5 year old child, whose old Gandhabba has left. Another case is this one, that would be a good recommendation: “” The relevant part:”The…

Reply To: Questions about Bhante Waharaka

…monks is in English. You can search for the sermons on youtube “Dharmayai Obai BBE”. Below is a link to one such sermon. BBE stands for Budhu Bana English.…