Reply To: Eric's Progress Diary

…hit home hard. I’ll leave it on my blog for those interested (may help explain [not excuse] some of my more insane moments that I still feel bad about :(…

Reply To: Difference Between Dukkha Saccha & Dukkha Ariya Saccha

Dear Lal, Here is the link from, “දුක්ඛ සත්‍ය” සහ “දුක්ඛ ආර්ය සත්‍ය” අතර වෙනස කුමක්ද? ( Also, if the above one is not accessible. Mettha, Ravi….

Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti – Delson Armstrong

…teacher is Anagami, probably. He can stay in Nirodha Samapati for up to 6 days! Revealing Nirodha Samāpatti – Delson Armstrong, Shinzen Young, Chelsey Fasano, & Dr Raikkonen…

Reply To: Goenka´s Vipassana

…these without attending the courses (no context), but since these are in the public domain from VRI, I feel better. Discourses on Satipatthana Discourses in a 10-day course…

Reply To: Different types of Buddhism

Throughout the years, I have seen many discussions online in regards to Tibetan (Vajrayana) Buddhism. Many many times I wanted to comment but in the end decided to keep quiet….