Anantara and Samanantara Paccayā

…(causes) for bringing up a new tree. But just because a seed is there, a tree will not come into existence. If the seed is in a cool, dry place,…

Reply To: Approach to Dhamma

Hello, Lal. Load time for website is between “acceptable” and “fast enough”, In Gujarat, India. Others can comment about website performance at their geographical location. I performed few free website…

Na Cēta­nākara­nīya Sutta

…virtuous. “For a person free from an agitated mind, there is no need to wish (cetanā): “May happiness arises in me.” Happiness (tranquility) arises naturally in a person free from…

Reply To: About Jati and Ayatana

…not active. _________ I will copy and paste what I wrote in one of the comments above. Those interested should read it carefully, including the links. 1. “Bhava” is the…

User’s Guide to Pure Dhamma Website

…the only truth, and nothing else is the truth,” but the truth can be verified to one’s satisfaction by critically examining the evidence. I am open to discussing any valid

Ten Immoral Actions (Dasa Akusala)

…Immoral Actions.” A Sōtapanna Is Free of Only Micchā Diṭṭhi 3. First of all, it is essential to realize that only Arahant is free from doing any of these. Even…

Jhāna and Magga phala – Very Different

…about comprehending the “worldview according to the Buddha.” That worldview says the following: (i) This world comprises 31 realms, (ii) Births among those realms are according to the types of…

Reply To: Past Memories

… from time to time. In one particular case, the subject describes the interval state (the bottom of the page). Here they call it a spirit being orb. Lang…

Importance of Personal Experience

…concepts of Puredhamma in a completely different way. There were two reasons for this. The first reason was to make it easier for others to access Puredhamma’s contents. I thought…