Each Citta Starts with Distorted SaƱƱā

…“Recovering the Suffering-Free Pure Mind,” we discussed the fact that a “pure mind” is covered by defilements, which can be discussed in various ways. For example, rāga, dosa, moha or…

Reply To: Pure Dhamma zoom meeting!

…of the meeting on your discord group. Also thanks to Mr. Seng Kiat Sir for suggesting the “voov meeting”. But the links you gave are not working. https://voovmeeting.com/buy.html https://voovmeeting.com/download-center.html  …

Reply To: Approach to Dhamma

Hello, Lal. Load time for website is between “acceptable” and “fast enough”, In Gujarat, India. Others can comment about website performance at their geographical location. I performed few free website…

Anantara and Samanantara Paccayā

…Goals” and “Saį¹ƒsāric Habits and Āsavas.” For example, when a gandhabba is waiting for a suitable womb, the anantara-samanantara paccayā comes into play. A gandhabba, who in previous lives had…

Na CētaĀ­nākaraĀ­nÄ«ya Sutta

May 21, 2018; revised May 23, 2018; November 19, 2021; July 23, 2022 1. “Na CētanākaranÄ«ya Sutta” is the correct name of the sutta, NOT “CētanākaranÄ«ya Sutta,” as it is…