Reply To: are we the five khandha's?

and therefor attachment to khandha’s, can end totally. This state of complete detachment cannot be expressed in words, but an arahant knows this state. This completely detached state of mind…

Reply To: Am I going to Hell? (very personal)

…the future. The mind CAN heal. However, don’t expect quick results. Keep taking the medication and hopefully you can reduce the dose over time, and eventually become free of medication….

Reply To: MAJJHIMA Nikāya, SUTTA 99

…of the sutta. 23.1 “Master Gotama, I have heard that “Sutaṃ metaṃ, bho gotama: 23.2 the ascetic Gotama teaches a path to companionship with Brahmā.” ‘samaṇo gotamo brahmānaṃ sahabyatāya maggaṃ…

Reply To: Does A Sotāpanna Have Perfect Sila?

…of Sansāra (or Samsāra)“. – The ability to see “san” (defilements of greed, hate, ignorance that come to one’s mind) increases significantly when one starts comprehending Tilakkhana, i.e., at the…