Lōbha, Dōsa, Mōha versus Rāga, Paṭigha, Avijjā

…see “Key to Calming the Mind – The Five Hindrances.” The word abhijjhā comes from “abhi” + “icchā” or “strong liking/craving.” The word vyāpāda comes from “vaya” + “pāda” or…

Goenka´s Vipassana

…of free intense meditation courses and therefore is personally interesting for me to make use of AND has an enormous outreach and impact on presumably hundred thousands of people. I…

Dhamma and Philosophy

Dhamma and Philosophy – Introduction Philosophy of the Mind Is Buddha Dhamma (Buddhism) a Religion? The Infinity Problem in Buddhism Free Will in Buddhism – Connection to Sankhāra Book Reviews…

The Four Stages in Attaining Nibbāna

forced to commit apunnābhi saṅkhāra or evil actions (see, “Sankhāra, Kamma, Kamma Bīja, Kamma Vipaka”) by the very nature of that existence. For example, in the animal realm, most animals…

Six Kinds of Consciousness in Our 3-D World

…body. The “world” or “the universe” is much more complex than we perceive. This is one reason we think everything around us is permanent and is why it is so…

Vedanā (Feelings) Arise in Two Ways

…” becoming aware” of a sensory input. It comes from (“vé” + “danā”) which means “වීම දැනවීම” in Sinhala. When an ārammaṇa (sensory input) comes to the mind (via any…