SaƱƱā – What It Really Means

…is meant by an external signal.” 2. When we understand what is meant by Saññā, we can clarify many things, including how humans can communicate with beings in other realms…

Pāli Dictionaries – Are They Reliable?

…means finding the origins of keywords, i.e., how compound words are put together using critical words like paį¹­i and atta or attha. 11. Other examples come in the gathā to…

Anicca – Worthlessness of Worldly Things

…a real value, one loses craving for that. The anicca nature means NOTHING in this world has real value. Of course, full comprehension comes only at the Arahant stage. The…

Reply To: Ashta Vimoksha

…Nibbana, that is the final and complete freedom. So, it refers to Nibbana. 2. Vimokkha (or Nibbana) can be attained via contemplating mainly on anicca, dukkha, or anatta and thus…

Reply To: Nibbana, not of this world?

…is no mind without citta and cetasika. So, when the mind becomes free of asavas, the mind itself cease to exist. Another way to look at it: The Buddha said…

Reply To: Nibbana, not of this world?

…of citta, cetasika, and rupa cease to exist. There is no mind without citta and cetasika. So, when the mind becomes free of asavas, the mind itself cease to exist.”…

Reply To: Nibbana, not of this world?

…cetasika. So, when the mind becomes free of asavas, the mind itself cease to exist.” From Paticca Samuppada point of view, there cannot be consciousness without namarupa and vice versa,…

Reply To: Nibbana, not of this world?

and cetasika. So, when the mind becomes free of asavas, the mind itself cease to exist.” From Paticca Samuppada point of view, there cannot be consciousness without namarupa and vice…