December 3, 2024 at 6:27 am
The question is whether one needs to listen to Dhamma to attain the Sotapanna stage.
- I don’t see any evidence to conclude that.
I also used to believe that one MUST listen to Dhamma to attain the Sotapanna stage because one of the conditions is “saddhammassavanaṃ” or “listen to Dhamma.”
- However, learning by reading was not available at the time of the Buddha.
- So, the suttas do not even discuss whether one can become a Sotapanna by reading.
- Therefore, while people can debate this issue forever, we will not be able to settle it.
I believe that one must learn Dhamma in any way possible. All that matters is to dispel the ignorance that this world of 31 realms can provide a suffering-free existence.
- As one cultivates wisdom (paññā), the “mental bonds (samyojana)” that bind one to the rebirth process will be broken. That is how one attains not only the Sotapanna stage but also all other magga phala.
- See “Four Conditions for Attaining Sotāpanna Magga/Phala.”
- Also, the whole process takes place in the MIND. The way I now see it: It does not matter whether the knowledge comes from reading or listening (which are just two “doors” to the mind): “Mind Operates Like a Machine According to Nature’s Laws”
We can discuss the issue further if anyone can present evidence from the Tipitaka that one cannot become a Sotapanna by reading Dhamma. Knowledge dispels ignorance, and knowledge can come from both reading and listening.
- Also, Sangha in “Sangham saranam gacchami” refers to Noble Persons. A Noble Person can be a bhikkhu or a layperson. Not all bhikkhus belong to Sangha.
- There is a word for bhikkhus who also belong to Sangha. It is bhikkhusangha.
- P.S. For example, Devadatta was a bhikkhu. He cultivated all the anariya jhanas and had supernormal powers too. But he was reborn in an apaya. He did not belong to Sangha.