Reply To: How do I practice dhamma for stream-entry in this life itself?


The question is whether one needs to listen to Dhamma to attain the Sotapanna stage.

  • I don’t see any evidence to conclude that. 

I also used to believe that one MUST listen to Dhamma to attain the Sotapanna stage because one of the conditions is “saddham­mas­savanaṃ” or “listen to Dhamma.” 

  • However, learning by reading was not available at the time of the Buddha.
  • So, the suttas do not even discuss whether one can become a Sotapanna by reading.
  • Therefore, while people can debate this issue forever, we will not be able to settle it. 

I believe that one must learn Dhamma in any way possible. All that matters is to dispel the ignorance that this world of 31 realms can provide a suffering-free existence. 

We can discuss the issue further if anyone can present evidence from the Tipitaka that one cannot become a Sotapanna by reading Dhamma. Knowledge dispels ignorance, and knowledge can come from both reading and listening.

  • Also, Sangha in “Sangham saranam gacchami” refers to Noble Persons. A Noble Person can be a bhikkhu or a layperson. Not all bhikkhus belong to Sangha.
  • There is a word for bhikkhus who also belong to Sangha. It is bhikkhusangha.
  • P.S. For example, Devadatta was a bhikkhu. He cultivated all the anariya jhanas and had supernormal powers too. But he was reborn in an apaya. He did not belong to Sangha.
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