August 27, 2024 at 7:57 am
Very good.
However, there is a deeper issue related to your following statement: “However, external objects composed of apo, tejo, pathavi, and vayo are neutral.”
All objects (living and inert) are made of suddhāṭṭhaka (meaning eight components). In addition to apo, tejo, pathavi, and vayo, there are four more: vaṇṇa, gandha, rasa, and oja.
- The former four components are made (in the mind) via avijja, and the latter four are made with tanha (P.S. craving for worldly things, which depends on one’s gati. Humans crave things different from those animals crave, etc.)
- That is the deeper explanation for the “distorted sanna” that is built into not only our manomaya kaya (a few suddhāṭṭhaka) and the physical body (innumerable suddhāṭṭhaka) but also into inert matter (sweetness of sugar, etc.).
I tried to explain that in my comment on August 12, 2024 at 6:46 am, in the following thread: “Scientists getting a glimpse of distorted saññā.”