- Sirs, i missed out GAD… kindly forgive.
2. Sir , noted and will avoid brighter colors, will also try and go through the links carefully and get back if any doubts.
3. I recognize that this is an advanced topic , therefore its my bad , for asking doubts without going through the basics given here and first understanding them – this i will try and avoid in the future as well. I am thinking i better avoid these topics as they seem very far away from what , at my level, I understand “practise” to be.
I would also like to make it clear and submit, that I was thrown into thinking on these things which I posted or drew(in my effort to articulate) , because I wondered how learning a Brahma Dies , and what happens to His Kamma , helps one in his or her day to day practise.
Because at my level, I see disorder and inner conflict, I see a great blindness in my life , which snuffles out joy and happiness and these things challenge me. These demand quite a lot of sincerety and intensity at my level , therefore I might not relate to such questions , and definitely also because iam yet to strongly grasp the basics. That is all Sirs.
Anyway, thanks Sir(s) once again for your pateince. Bear with me sirs , bear with me.