Reply To: On Akusala Citta and Akusala Vipāka Citta


Akusala Citta and Akusala Vipāka Citta

Akusala Vipaka citta can arise from Akusala citta.

Post: ” Five of these akusala vipāka cittā are the ones that lead to (undesirable) sense events through the five physical senses. Thus, they are responsible for eye-consciousness (cakkhu viññāna), ear-consciousness (sota viññāna), nose consciousness (ghāna viññāna), taste consciousness (jivhā viññāna), and body consciousness (kāya viññāna).”

Except for the body consciousness which is accompanied by pain, the other four are accompanied by equanimity”

However, we also know that how we react and attach to vipaka depends on our gati at that time. Does this mean that an akusala vipaka citta can potentially bring a pleasurable feeling?

Let’s say in my country giving apples to people is an insult, and I intentionally give apples to other people to insult them. Then this can manifest as a future akusala vipaka citta where I receive apples. However in my next life I like to receive apples. Does this mean I can get pleasure from an akusala vipaka citta?

Also, are arahant’s able to receive akusala vipaka citta? They just don’t get attached to it. Then this also means that akusala vipaka citta will be less potent as one progresses on the path. Eg last time I use to scold people, so that manifest as a vipaka that I will get scolded back. But because of dhamma, I get less upset when someone scolds me.


No, it’s not the case, that good fruits come from bad deeds, good householder. But heal, as well as neither heal nor pain feelings can follow right after bad deeds. (Upanissaya). That’s very important, and not understanding or having faith that good thinks never araise because of bad causes, and viciversa, is very needed (right view) be able to develop Brahmaviharas and Jhanas.

That doubt is the most burdensome for many in regard of especially developing mudita.

So when seeing a rich person acting bad, a harmful person, happy, don’t one think his gain of wealth is related to bad.

Don’t one think that one might get beaten from the receiver, after giving a gift, comes from good the good deed.

(Just to point out some simple samples, to be clear)

And as Nyom Lal poined out, it’s quite enought to have strong faith in that good brings good, bad, bad, otherwise, if one falls into the analysis line, like the Sublime Buddha warned: leads to getting crazy (certain an “Abhidhamma” dis-ease.

(Samana Johann)