Thank you very much for the inspiring message, Y notššæ. In 2018, I began to think for myself, considering the possibility that Christianity might not be the solution to suffering. Despite being born into a pastor’s family, I came to the realization that I might be wrong. This was both terrifying and exhilarating. I have no regrets about being an outcast because of my embrace of Dhamma. To this day, many relatives and friends cannot understand my decision to become a Buddhist, and I have even lost contacts as a result. Strangely, it almost didn’t bother me. When we try to understand tilakkhana, we see the futility of holding on to relationships that hinder us on the path to NibbÄna. On the contrary, there is relief.
- My friend, I have some final advice for you. I recommend making donations (such as monastic robes, food, medicines, or contributions for building projects) to the Maha Sangha (monks, nuns, and novices). This is an extremely meritorious practice, especially when linked to an understanding of Tilakkhana. Additionally, there is an ongoing construction of the stupa of Venerable Arahant Ananda in Sri Lanka. All information is located in the video description.
- I also suggest that if possible, you should speak with a monk from the Jethavaranama monastery or any other monastery. A monk or nun might chant suttas for you and give you a final sermon at the time of your death. If this interests you, you can contact me at my email address [email protected]. I know a devotee who can help you connect with a bhikkhu to provide you with a sermon and chantings.
May you quickly attain arahantship and NibbÄna, my friend ššæššæššæ Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ššæāøļøšø