Reply To: Sutta Desana

Dear Saket, Thank you so much for the share and a noble deed indeed. May all beings be free from sufferings….

Reply To: Antara Parinibbana

…patilabhi samyojana, in addition to sakkaya ditthi, vicikicca, silabbata paramasa, and patigha. The sutta specifically says, orambhagiya samyojana (the first five) have been removed. So, one is free of kama…

Reply To: Discourse 1 – Nicca, Sukha, Atta

…bad based on our likes and dislikes. But that does not free up the ‘inherent problems’ with things that we have no craving for. Just like the houses mentioned above….

Reply To: Thilakkhana I

…out of it. Don’t worry, be happy ‘ advice (out of sincere compassion, no doubt) and urge you on with classic cliche’s like ‘ perhaps next time, as long as…

Reply To: Does A Sotāpanna Have Perfect Sila?

…of Sansāra (or Samsāra)“. – The ability to see “san” (defilements of greed, hate, ignorance that come to one’s mind) increases significantly when one starts comprehending Tilakkhana, i.e., at the…

Feynman’s Glass Plate Experiment

…particle could take, and come up “with a plan” for its motion. This happens AUTOMATICALLY and some “unconventional paths” could result only in the case of microscopic particles like electrons…