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Yes, it is correct. An Arahant does not generate pancupādānakkhandha.

  • An Arahant‘s mind does not “advance” or “defile/contaminate” to the ajjhatta vinnana stage with ajjhatta rupa, ajjhatta vedana, ajjhatta sanna, ajjhatta sankhara, and ajjhatta vinnana.
  • P.S. Ajjha” means “mine,” and “atta” means “beneficial” in this context. Thus, Arahant‘s mind would not consider any sensory input to be of “benefit” and is worth taking to be “me” or “mine.”
  • Bahiddha vinnana has a “distorted sanna” but is not defiled; i.e., it does not have raga, dosa, or moha associated with it.
  • Only those with pancupādānakkhandha transition from the bahiddha stage to the ajjhatta stage.
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