One of the forum member mentioned:
“For example, when there is a moment of vaci sankhara starting to lead to something negative, immediately realize it, reflect on the consequences of its karma, and tilakkhana.”
I thought what’s said was simple, practical and another way to say how anapana sati / satipatthana can be practiced / carried out. I would also like to add “not just realizing something negative”, but also positive and neutral. Or sukha (sōmanassa), dukkha ( dōmanassa), adukhamasukha (upekkha) using the teachings on the “all” (sabba) to reflect / contemplate on the tilakkhana nature of what has arisen and know it’s cessation. If one notices they got attached through akusala-mula p.s. or from what Lal mentioned, “panca upadanakkhandha (PUK) (commonly translated as “grasping five aggregates.)” and other teachings on how one get’s attached. Put into the practice of nirodha which is the Noble 8 Fold Path to the attachment (avija, tanha, upadana, so on) process / condition or at all times. We should also reflect on the consequences of those karma or the consequences of our thoughts, speech and actions. To see if it’s in line with the vinaya, doing what we can not to carry out the dasa akusala which does harm to us, others and the world and we go into existential debt. Instead practice the habit of transferring of merits, strive to cultivate kusala, put dhamma and noble 8 fold path into practice.